Memory Walk is a part of a program called ‘Memory Journey.’ The Memory Journey Program aims that young people explore and question the injustices against the historically marginalised groups, based on religion, gender, ethnicity, or political view.
The Program is a cycle of three steps: the capacity-building of young volunteers, discovering ‘places of memory,’ and the Memory Walk.
Capacity Building of Young Volunteers
Young volunteers that will take responsibility in next steps, between 16-25 years, empower themselves through the activities like expert seminars on historical issues, local history workshops, one-to-one support and meetings with human rights organisations.

Research for ‘Places of Memory’
The young volunteers conduct research to gather facts and narratives about the ‘places of memory’. These places can memorialise sufferings of marginalised groups, destroyed cultural diversity or truth struggle of victim/survivor groups. Young volunteers explore survivors’ narratives, silenced historical facts, visual materials and statistical data. The research is also an empowerment and learning opportunity for young volunteers themselves.

Memory Walks
The Walks provide young people with the opportunity for hearing silenced historical narratives and improving the critical thinking skills about the hegemonic narratives. The content of walks are mainly based on the previous research of the young volunteers. The interactive one-day-long Memory Walks include indoor non-formal workshops and outdoor exploration of the ‘places of memory.’ Young volunteer narrators share silenced stories of the places with the participants.